Shaun video on How PragerU lies about the Happy go lucky colonialists of British Empire

Shaun breaks down misinformation and lies on the PragerU youtube video. A channel that is masquerading as a university.    We believe it is important to take deliberate misinformation as seriously as lies, as people may A) believe PragerU is actually a University, or B)  most people will be too busy in their lives to go and research and see if PragerU is actually telling the truth.  but Shaun breaks the basics of it down in 20 minutes.

“THE BRITISH EMPIRE WAS HAPPY TO LET PEOPLE GO THEIR OWN WAY AND RULED COLONIZED COUNTRIES WITH A LIGHT HAND”    Ok i am paraphrasing what the guy says maybe,  but thats basically what he says.   they didn’t enslave anyone or kill anyone? lol

Click play, click youtube in the bottom right of the video and go to Shaun’s channel to subscribe like or comment, we just felt compelled to share this due to the mass of disinformation in the PragetU video,  We would even say abuse of information, abuse of history and helping in the continuation of abuse of peoples and or planet!