7 New short films coming from our Friends at apartment 1014 films Nov 30th

Ok so Pistachioville on wordpress a little different than on facebook, so WARNING FILMS are to be considered for adults!  Though not pornography, the films may contain adult subject matters, and disturbing scenes, imagery or themes.  Serious discerning mature audience film viewers only!,  so  if that is you and you like film as art, then go watch some of this!—————–

Check out Dante’s excellent introduction to the 7 new films coming from Apartment 1014 Films at the end of November. This is going to be the best film release event of 2019, in our not so humble opinion, well if you’re on Pistachioville here and reading this you should be loving this too!

Go watch the intro to the 7 films, and tell me you are not waiting for these 7 new pieces of avant garde art from apartment 1014 films! WELL YOU SHOULD BE!

Go follow apartment 1014 films on vimeo (yes it’s free to create an account, like, comment and follow film makers), get ready for November 30th, marathon watch a bunch of the previous films between now and then to get yourself all geared up. Our favorites are TURKZILLA, DONUT WITCH, and CARNIVAL SUMMER (and that last one in spite of us hating carnivals and the beach!!!) Click the link below, go and follow film on vimeo.
